Three days done, and one more to go!
The IBC2023 show attracted 43,065 attendees from 170 countries to the RAI Amsterdam from 15th-18th September, celebrating business innovation and pushing new boundaries in media technology. XL8 first participated at IBC - International Broadcasting Convention - in 2022 when and where we unveiled MediaCat, our proprietary AI-based media localization system.

At IBC 2023, we launched MediaCAT 3.0, and have had a phenomenal few days showing it off so far. We’ve met with many industry colleagues, clients, peers, and friends - old and new - and we’re really excited by the conversations we’ve been having and hearing.
Here are a few photos to give you a feel of our booth action at IBC and share a retrospective from our Vice President of Sales, Juan Mario Agudelo.
Hi Juan! Is this your first time to attend the IBC?

I am the VP of Sales and this was my first IBC, so my impressions are based on a comparison with NAB, which I've gone to many times.
I learned that I like IBC more for a variety of reasons:
- Less hardware, more distribution and AI.
- Less junk leads and visitors. NAB is full of people window shopping and the process of vetting leads is time consuming.
- Our booth was awesome. It had great energy.
- A demo of MediaCat and EventCat on loop on a third screen would have been cool, and is in the plans for next year.
- Bring a carry on because they may lose your bag AKA don't fly Aer Lingus.
- Our team was PHENOMENAL.
The general impression was that automation is now a mandate. The intel gathering exercise is not the end goal anymore. People are exploring real solutions. Leads felt more relevant.

Here at XL8 we can collaborate with a huge range of companies within the media content, entertainment, and communication spaces including - but not limited to - media production studios, streaming services, news agencies, video sharing platforms, multinational corporations and language services. Learn more about how AI machine translation solutions can help your media localization Here.